CNDS is an interdisciplinary research centre that brings together researchers from engineering, social and earth sciences to work together on collaborative projects on natural hazards, socio-technological vulnerabilities, and societal security.
CNDS Summer School
This international one-week course gathers PhD students in Earth-, engineering- and social sciences for an introduction to the dynamics and impacts of natural hazards (e.g., floods, droughts, wildfires and earthquakes), as well as disaster management and social vulnerability under the umbrella of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).

CNDS Forum for Natural Hazards and Disasters
The Forum is a meeting place for those working on natural hazards, disaster risk reduction and crisis management. The event is targeted to policy and decision makers and practitioners in local, national and international governmental agencies, NGOs, and the private sector as well as researchers and early career scientists.

Giuliano Di Baldassarre: "Risks are unevenly distributed in society"
Giuliano Di Baldassarre is a professor of hydrology and environmental analysis at Uppsala University. He is also the director of the Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science (CNDS). His scientific work focuses on natural hazards such as droughts and how the risks for societies are changing over time.
Helena Hermansson: "We become wiser by looking at disasters from a wide array of disciplines"
Helena Hermansson is a political scientist and a senior lecturer at the Swedish Defence University. She is also a CNDS fellow. Helena’s research revolves around the issues of disaster response and disaster governance and she is interested in how different actors collaborate during and after disaster events.
Daniel Nohrstedt: "CNDS has a distinct focus on the interdisciplinary component of our work"
Daniel Nohrstedt, professor in political science at Uppsala University and CNDS director of PhD Studies. Daniel is interested in the link between extreme events and different processes related to climate mitigation, adaptation, and sustainable development, as well as the interconnection between those policy fields.
Jenni Koivisto: "How do we manage disasters, whose voice do we listen to?"
Jenni Koivisto, CNDS postdoc in Risk and Environmental Studies at Karlstad University. Jenni’s current research focuses on food production in a changing climate. She is interested in knowing more on how farmers perceive the situation and who and where are the important decisions on transformation made.
Shakti Raj Shrestha: "Having the discussion across continents is quite valuable"
Shakti Raj Shrestha, a social scientist and a CNDS postdoc at Uppsala University. His current research focuses on ethics in relation to disasters. Shakti has developed a conceptual framework called Ethics for 4Rs (Readiness, Reduction, Response, and Recovery) which consists of three main concepts: Risk, Ethics, and Law.
Ongoing research projects
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Completed research projects
Here you find CNDS accomplished research projects.