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CNDS Newsletters

CNDS has moved on to a newsletter format, which should land on your inbox twice per semester.

In the past, CNDS published two News Flash a year, one at the end of the Spring semester (June) and one at the end of the Autum semester (December).

Both CNDS Newsletters and CNDS News Flash offer the most recent updates regarding CNDS Fellows' contribution in terms of publications and awards. It also includes more information about CNDS events, such as CNDS Summer School, CNDS Forum and CNDS Annua Assembly.

Here you can access all the CNDS News Flash publications since its inception in 2017 in pdf format and storaged in UU Box:


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Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science
c/o Department of Earth Sciences
Uppsala University
Villavägen 16

CNDS is a collaboration between

Logos of Uppsala University, Karlstad University and the Swedish Defence University